Closing costs are mandatory fees buyers pay in order to close on their homes.

Application Fee


Attorney Fee

Closing Fee or Escrow Fee

Courier Fee

Credit Report

Deposit for Property Taxes & Mortgage Insurance

FHA Up-Front Mortgage Insurance Premium

Flood Determinations Life of Loan Coverage

Home Inspection

Home Owners Association Transfer Fees

Homeowners’ Insurance

Lender’s Policy Title Insurance

Lead-Based Paint Inspection

Loan Discount Points

Owner’s Policy Title Insurance

Origination Fee

Pest Inspection

Prepaid Interest

Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)

Property Tax

Recording Fees

Survey Fee

Title Company Title Search

Exam Fee

Transfer Taxes

Underwriting Fee

VA Funding Fee

The good news? By negotiating sellers to pay for closing costs instead…

We’ve saved buyers millions of dollars in closing costs.

(It's not easy - but we get it done.)